Bioresonance And Anaphylactic Shock

Mechanism of allergy drug hay fever asthma

In the United States, approximately 20% of the population suffers from allergies, according to the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. This accounts for approximately 50 million individuals within the country. There are different types of allergies from which a person may suffer, each causing a set of symptoms that may be unpleasant and, on some cases, become so severe that a person’s life may be in danger. Knowing what allergies are, why they happen, what symptoms to look out for when an allergic reaction occurs and also what to do when the symptoms become severe. In this post, we wish to discuss the types of allergies, the symptoms and also take a look at anaphylactic shock, a serious allergic reaction that may cause death when left untreated. We also want to discuss how bioresonance therapy may be helpful in preventing anaphylactic shock.

The Main Allergy Types

While many allergic reactions can cause similar symptoms in a person experiencing such a reaction, it should be noted that there are different types of allergies. As noted, symptoms may be similar in some cases, but certain types of allergies may also cause distinct symptoms or may lead to more serious symptoms that could become life-threatening. According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, the following are considered the primary types of allergies:

  • Drug allergies
  • Food allergies
  • Insect allergies
  • Latex allergies
  • Mold allergies
  • Pet allergies
  • Pollen allergies

Symptoms Of Allergies

The average person should be aware of the symptoms that allergies causes. Not all types of allergies will produce the same symptoms. It is also important to note what particular symptoms are considered more serious than others, and when it would be more appropriate to seek medical attention from a healthcare professional as compared to self-treatment with a dose of antihistamines. NHS Choices report that the following are the most common symptoms that people experience when they have an allergic reaction to a foreign substance:

  • Signs of allergic rhinitis may include a blocked or runny nose, as well as sneezing.
  • When conjunctivitis develops, symptoms may include watery and red eyes. The eyes may also start to itch.
  • Hives may cause a red rash on the skin, that may be raised and also itchy.
  • Some allergy types may cause shortness of breath, coughing and a wheezing sound while breathing.
  • Diarrhoea, vomiting and abdominal pain are also symptoms of some allergic reactions.
  • Certain allergic reactions may lead to swelling of the face, eyes, tongue or lips.

Anaphylactic Shock

When a person is exposed to a foreign substance they are allergic to, their body reacts to the substances, which causes allergy symptoms to develop. In some cases, however, the reaction by the person’s immune system may be more severe and lead to anaphylaxis, a reaction by the immune system that can be life-threatening. Anaphylaxis then causes the immune system to release certain chemicals into the body, which then leads to a condition called anaphylactic shock.

Anaphylactic shock does not cause the mild symptoms that a standard allergic reaction often causes a person to experience, but rather puts the body into a shock that leads to a significant reduction in blood pressure, as well as a narrowing of the airways. This can make breathing become very difficult, or even completely block the individual’s ability to breathe.

Healthline explains that anaphylactic shock is an extremely dangerous condition and can be fatal if not attended to and treated immediately.

Anaphylactic Shock And Bioresonance Therapy

Bioresonance therapy is often considered one of the most advanced and beneficial alternative remedies, offering a method of communicating with the electromagnetic waves within the human body. When it comes to anaphylactic shock, bioresonance therapy can assist in multiple ways. The most beneficial method of utilizing bioresonance therapy would be as a preventative measure. Bioresonance therapy is a technology that is able to test the body’s responses to numerous substances, including those that often causes a person to experience an allergic reaction.

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By utilizing bioresonance therapy to detect potentially severe allergic reactions in a patient’s body, the patient can become educated on particular substances they need to stay clear of. With such information, the patient is able to significantly reduce their risk of experiencing an allergic reaction, as well as help them prevent the occurrence of anaphylactic shock. This, in turn, would allow a person to identify potential threats in their daily lives and to help them make appropriate changes to live an allergen-free lifestyle.


Allergies are unpleasant and have been rated one of the primary concerns when it comes to illness within the United States. There are numerous types of allergies that can be experienced, including a more severe reaction known as anaphylactic shock. When left untreated or not attended to in a timely manner, anaphylactic shock may claim the lives of a victim. Fortunately, with the use of bioresonance therapy, allergies can be successfully identified and treated; thus reducing the risk of such an allergy attack.