Skin and a 5-month-old baby:
In my practice I treat many children, but I had never seen anything like this. The skin of this five-month-old little girl brought into my practice was just one big mass of eczema. Neurodermatitis in its worst form.
The skin was really thick, leathery and acutely inflamed.
Ointments were no longer absorbed by the skin. Using a biophysical test procedure and the BICOM® device I tested several allergies. The main allergen was cow’s milk.
I treated these with the stored allergy programs. But this only brought about a slight improvement.
During the fourth treatment the mother explained to me that four years earlier she had a serious motorbike accident and had to undergo several operations. I seized upon this information straightaway.
BICOM® testing revealed that not only the mother, but also her small daughter had been acutely stressed by the anaesthetic. Gradually we eliminated the anaesthetic from the child at weekly intervals with the corresponding therapy programs and afterwards we were able to successfully tackle the allergies. The child got better from day to day. Overall we carried out treatment for four months until the child was completely free of symptoms.
The skin changed noticeably to give her a soft peachy baby complexion.
The little girl’s entire constitution improved from visit to visit. I finally treated her at four-weekly intervals in order to stabilise the immune system further.
The little girl has now been free of symptoms for more than six months.
This reminded me again just how important a thorough medical history is when trying to uncover background stresses.
Incidentally, I treat my little patients while they sit on the floor and build Duplo towers. This is possible because the therapy is so easy to apply – a practical applicator arrangement which gives the child freedom to move around and above all because the therapy is absolutely painless.
This means that a visit to the practice is completely relaxed and stress-free for both the child and the parents.