Treating Tinnitus with Bioresonance

Do you experience ringing in your ears?

lady with tinnitus and discomfort in ear

The chances are high that the ringing you hear is caused by tinnitus. Although it is harmless, sounds and noises you hear can be quite frustrating and they can affect your quality of life. Individuals who develop tinnitus report lack of sleep and irritable behaviour due to inability to deal with the noise. There are multiple ways that you can manage tinnitus, and bioresonance treatment is one of them. Throughout this article we’re going to discuss tinnitus and how to manage this frustrating noise.

Symptoms of tinnitus

Tinnitus is indicated by experiencing the following sounds when no external sound is present:

  • Buzzing
  • Ringing
  • Roaring
  • Hissing
  • Clicking

The intensity of the sounds varies from person to person. In some cases sounds can be relatively low and not overly frustrating while in other instances they can be so loud they interfere with person’s ability to concentrate or hear actual sounds. Furthermore, while some people hear sounds in one ear, others hear sounds in both ears.

Causes of tinnitus

 In most cases, the exact cause of tinnitus is never determined. According to experts, tinnitus is usually caused by or contributed to by some other health problem. One of the most common causes of tinnitus is ear cell damage. Other possible causes include:

  • Age-related hearing loss
  • Loud noise
  • Earwax blockage
  • Ear bone changes

Ringing in your ear is also linked to:

  • Meniere’s disease – an inner ear disorder caused by abnormal inner ear fluid pressure
  • TMJ disorders – problems with the temporomandibular joints (where the lower jawbone meets the skull) can cause or contribute to tinnitus
  • Head or neck injuries – this may cause tinnitus in one ear
  • Acoustic neuroma – the development of a non-cancerous tumor on the cranial nerve running from the brain to the inner ear. This nerve controls balance and hearing. This cause usually leads to tinnitus in one ear

Some health conditions can aggravate the intensity of ringing in your ears and contribute to tinnitus. They are high blood pressure, turbulent blood flow, atherosclerosis, and malformed capillaries.

Types of tinnitus

 Tinnitus is divided into four major groups, listed below.

  • Subjective tinnitus – this is the most common type of tinnitus and accounts for 95% of cases. Only you can hear buzzing or ringing and other frustrating noises. In most instances, this type of tinnitus is caused by excessive exposure to loud noise. Subjective tinnitus appears suddenly and its duration varies and may be classified as acute (3 months), subacute (12 months), or even longer. This type of tinnitus is usually followed by hearing loss due to hair cell nerve damage. The severity of the symptoms varies and depends on how you respond to noise.
  • Objective tinnitus can also be heard by your doctor, using stethoscope or listening closely to your ear. This type of tinnitus is very rare and occurs due to vascular deformities or muscular contractions. Objective tinnitus is usually associated with a medical problem and disappears when the patient receives adequate treatment.
  • Neurological tinnitus is caused by disorders that affect your neurological system, such as Meniere’s disease. This type of tinnitus is accompanied by vertigo, dizziness, and balance problems. There’s no cure for this type of tinnitus, but you can manage symptoms to make tinnitus more tolerable.
  • Somatic tinnitus is either caused by or related to your sensory system. In most cases only one ear is affected.

What are risk factors for tinnitus?

 Although anyone can develop tinnitus, some people are at a higher risk. Risk factors include:

  • Cardiovascular health problems
  • Exposure to loud noise
  • Smoking
  • Gender (men are more prone to tinnitus)
  • Advancing age

As mentioned above, tinnitus can have a significant impact on someone’s quality of life. Hearing intense noises can have the following effects:

  • Lack of concentration
  • Memory problems
  • Sleep disruption
  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Anxiety and irritability.

How is tinnitus treated?

The best way to treat tinnitus is to discover the underlying cause. However, for millions of people around the world, either it is difficult to identify the underlying health condition, or it is incurable, which means the ringing sensation can’t be eliminated, only managed or controlled.

The most common types of tinnitus treatment include:

  • Removal of earwax
  • Reducing dosages of medications that contribute to tinnitus
  • Treating the underlying condition
  • Taking medications to relieve stress and anxiety caused by tinnitus
  • Having a white noise machine in the room to counteract the ringing in your ears
  • Wearing hearing aids – although you haven’t lost your hearing, wearing hearing aids diverts attention away from tinnitus sounds
  • Wearing masking devices – similar to hearing aids, these devices produce  low-level white noise that suppresses tinnitus sounds
  • Tinnitus retraining – devices that delives tonal music that helps you tolerate tinnitus
  • Alternative treatments such as acupuncture and hypnosis

Bioresonance and tinnitus  

Bioresonance treatment is an alternative medical treatment that uses electromagnetic waves to diagnose and treat various illnesses and conditions. This treatment aims to identify the root cause of an ailment or condition and “impaired” frequencies sent by cells in your body in order to provide customized treatment for that person. It fits into the holistic approach, treating the underlying causes of problems instead of masking the symptoms. Bioresonance can treat a wide array of diseases and conditions in both humans and animals. But, did you know it can help you with tinnitus as well? No, it’s not just a mere claim. In fact, benefits of bioresonance have been scientifically proven.

Dr. Perry Seftel presented research that investigated the effects of bioresonance therapy on tinnitus. The study included 50 participants who were divided into two groups:

  • 11 patients received combined complimentary medicine treatment that consisted of BICOM® bioresonance therapy and two optional therapy modules
  • 39 participants received Biocom bioresonance therapy only

Scientists at the University of Cologne created audiogram to identify each patient’s auditory threshold and determine the type of impaired hearing. They also performed tinnitus matching (determination) before and after the course of the study. The practical observation was limited to five sessions of bioresonance treatment.

Results showed that:

  • Neuromuscular release from chronic dysregulation through bioresonance therapy resulted in significant improvement
  • 56% of the participants reported improvement after the treatment
  • Treating patients with persistent ringing in the ears with a holistic approach yielded positive results
  • Participants subjected to bioresonance treatment experienced decreased volume of the sounds they heard

Treating tinnitus with bioresonance involves complete diagnosis i.e. audiology OAE, brainstem evoked response audiometry, tinnitus masking for noise determination. The treatment is customized according to the underlying cause and intensity of sounds as well as its acute or chronic form. Treatment can include osteopathy, physiotherapy, and relaxation therapy to reduce stress and anxiety.

Bottom line

Tinnitus is indicated by a frustrating ringing in the ears and it can affect the patient’s quality of life. The best way to treat tinnitus is to tackle the underlying health issue, which is why bioresonance fits perfectly into the treatment. Bioresonance therapies include electromagnetic frequencies that determine the root cause of tinnitus and help you to reduce the intensity of the sounds you experience. Another benefit of this treatment is that its benefits have been scientifically proven.