Bioresonance In The Treatment Of Edema Caused By Lipedema And Lymphedema

Edema, a condition that refers to swelling caused by a collection of fluid, can be worrisome to patients. There are different health conditions that can cause edema as a symptom. Even though often associated with heart disease, conditions such as lymphedema and lipedema are also known to cause swelling in the extremities, including the lower limbs. 

Various treatments have been suggested for patients experiencing edema as a complication of either lipedema or lymphedema. In this post, we will take a look at how Bioresonance therapy, a technology that utilizes electromagnetic waves to detect problems within a patient’s body, can assist with reducing edema and other symptoms caused by these two health conditions. 

An Overview Of Lipedema

Lipedema is a condition that affects approximately 11% of the female population. The term “lipedema” refers to an unusual distribution of fat underneath a patient’s skin, often affecting areas in their legs, as well as their buttocks. Even though lipedema initially appears as a cosmetic problem, untreated, the condition can cause a patient to experience pain and develop a number of health concerns. One important complication of lipedema is lymphedema, which occurs when the fat that causes lipedema in the first place causes a blockage in the lymphatic system. This condition is most prevalent among women and has been linked to female hormones, although scientists are not completely sure why the alteration in fat distribution occurs in some people and not in others. 

Different types of treatments have been suggested for patients diagnosed with lipedema. When lymph fluids start to build up, then manual drainage of the fluids may be advised. Exercise and compression are also two particular options that have provided patients with effective results. A specific type of liposuction technique, known as water-assisted liposuction, are also sometimes used in order to help reduce fluid and fat buildup in the affected regions of the patient’s body. 

An Overview Of Lymphedema

Lymphedema is a condition that leads to similar cosmetic changes as lipedema. The condition can also be caused by lipedema when fat blocks the lymphatic system and causes damage. Lymphedema occurs when fluids from the lymphatic system start to build up, most often due to damage in a specific area in this system, or a blockage in the system. The lymphatic system plays a vital part in the immune function, which makes lymphedema not only a cosmetic concern but also a potential health problem. This particular condition can cause two potentially life-threatening complications, including lymphangiosarcoma and infections. 

Conventional treatment options for lymphedema often includes certain types of exercises, as well as wrapping the affected limb, massage therapy, compression garments, and pneumatic compression. Complete decongestive therapy, which usually includes a combination of different approaches in order to reduce the buildup of lymph fluids, is also an approach that is introduced to the treatment plan of some patients. 

Bioresonance In The Treatment Of Lipedema And Lymphedema

Numerous techniques are used in order to promote lymphatic drainage among patients with edema caused by lymphedema and lipedema. The difficulty is often faced in the use of transdermal applications to assist with the drainage procedure. Bioresonance therapy has been suggested as a possible complementary therapy to assist in improving the effectiveness of existing transdermal techniques. 

A recent study that was conducted in Italy looked at how microcurrents emitted by a Bioresonance device affected the transdermal application of several techniques that are used to assist with lymphatic drainage. The study specifically focused on patients with diagnosed lipedema or lymphedema, all of whom experience edema as a complication of the diagnosed condition. 

A total of eight people were involved in the study. All eight individuals were provided a daily session of Bioresonance therapy, which was combined with other transdermal methods used during conventional treatments for these particular conditions. A licensed physiotherapist attended the first two sessions of each participant. The patients were then educated on how to perform the treatment at home, with a device that was provided to them. 

After six days of therapy, patients reported back with considerable improvements in their symptoms – both cosmetic and physiological effects of the conditions had improved. Patients experienced a significant decrease in limb volume. Limb heaviness decreased by an average of 47% and limb dysesthesias decreased by an average of 58%. Pain associated with both conditions in patients were reduced by 64% on average. Side-effects were not reported among any of the patients who were part of the study. 


Both lipedema and lymphedema can be troublesome to a patient and lead to an unpleasant visual appearance of their lower limbs. Different types of transdermal treatment options have been established in order to assist in reducing the burden of these conditions. Recent studies have also found that the combination of such treatments, along with Bioresonance microcurrents, yield more effective results and offers a significant reduction in limb volume, swelling, and heaviness.