Bioresonance Therapy and The Incurable Diseases

Senior woman praying for sick man sleeping in hospital bed

Even with the recent advancements in science and medicine, some diseases still remain incurable. These diseases continue to effect a person during their entire lifespan and can have an impact on the affected person’s life quality. An incurable disease might refer to a condition for which a cure has not been found yet, or it may refer to a condition that was diagnosed at a stage considered too late to be cured. For example, many people suffering from certain types of cancer only get a diagnosis when the condition has spread to multiple part of their bodies. This is known as an incurable disease due to the fact that medicated treatment options would not have the ability to cure the condition. In this document, we are going to focus on conditions that doesn’t have a cure as of yet.

Types of Incurable Diseases

There are many diseases for which a cure has not been found yet. Some of these diseases are quite common and found in our daily lives, while others are extremely rare and only affects a handful of people all over the world. Each disease also has its own characteristics, symptoms, causes and risk factors. While one disease might allow for a patient to live a long lifespan, others might not allow a person to even reach the age of 5 years.

  • Schizophrenia – This mental disorder causes the patient to be unable to differentiate between what is reality and what is fantasy. In severe cases, the disorder can cause the patient to lose their ability to recognize people in the real world. The disorder is known to cause delusions and hallucinations.
  • Polio – This disorder is known as a viral infection that damages the nervous system. The disease can cause severe paralysis and deformation of muscles in limps. Problems with muscles in the throat and chest is often also associated with this disease. Polio can be transferred through fecal matter and by the consumption of contaminated water.
  • Diabetes – This well-known disease causes problems with the body’s respond and production of insulin. Type I diabetes is known as an autoimmune disorder, while type II diabetes is the result of insufficient insulin production. Individuals with type I diabetes often loses weight rapidly, while individuals with type II diabetes often experience numbness and pain in their hands and feet.
  • Asthma – This is also a well-known disease that affects as much as 25 million people in the United States and causes asthma attacks in more than half of these patients.
  • AIDS – This syndrome is caused by HIV, also known as the Human Immunodeficiency Virus. It causes the immune system to fail at a rapid rate, resulting in a decrease in the body’s natural defense system. As a result, the body is unable to fight off deadly infections, diseases and cancers. Fever, fatigue, headache, sore throat and swollen glands are just some of the symptoms that appear within the first month after being exposed to the virus.
  • Ebola – This disease was first discovered in the year 1976 at the Ebola River in central Africa. It is caused by Sudan, Bundibugyo, Tai Forest and Ebola virus and causes vomiting, diarrhea, fever, severe headaches, fatigue and weakness, as well as several other unpleasant symptoms. Symptoms are usually present within the first 21 days after a patient has been exposed to the virus.
  • Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease – This rare disease only affects around 1 to 2 in 1 million people, but is quite deadly. It is reported that the disease usually allows a person to live for around one year after onset. This condition is known as a fatal degenerative disease and impacts the entire nervous system. Symptoms include depression, anxiety, memory loss, insomnia, speaking problems and blurry vision.

Treatment Options

While these diseases remain incurable to date, researchers are working around the clock in order to determine effective treatment methods that can help reduce the effects of the conditions on the body. Several treatment options have also been developed in order to provide relief of the symptoms associated with these conditions. Patients are usually prescribed medication that slows down the progression of certain diseases, while therapy are often also recommended to assist patients with dealing with the discovery of their incurable disease.

Bioresonance Therapy

Due to the nature of these conditions and the way in which bioresonance therapy works, several conditions have been treated effectively with this alternative treatment option. A patient with diagnosed haemochromatosis, also known as an overload of iron in the blood, was treated with several programs on a bioresonance device. Results lowered levels of iron in her blood from 700 jig/dl to 162 jig/dl. The patient was able to lower the amount of medicated treatment received and was soon able to decrease the amount of sessions from each week to once a month due to the effectiveness of bioresonance therapy. Several cases of breast cancer treatment with bioresonance therapy has also resulted in the elimination of trichomonads, as well as the successful treatment of the mammalian carcinoma.


Incurable diseases cause patients to be depressed and reduces their quality of life. Knowing that they are going to die soon may affect their entire behavior. These diseases affect millions of people and many of them are seeking ways to rid themselves of the curse. While medicated treatment options focus on relieving the severity of symptoms associated with the condition, bioresonance therapy is a treatment option that detects and eliminates the underlying factors causing the problems. This often results in the successful treatment of a condition, or, at least, a significant reduction in the progression rate of the disease.