Bioresonance Therapy In The Treatment Of Rare Allergic Conditions

Allergies are very common and can range from mild to severe symptoms. People can be allergic to almost anything and in severe cases, allergies can turn into what is known as anaphylaxis, which can quickly spiral into a life-threatening condition. Over 170 different types of foods have already been reported as possible causes for allergies, with eight specific foods making up the major part of all allergies, including peanuts, wheat, fish, shellfish, soy, egg, tree nuts, and milk. 

Only about 30% of those children who do suffer from food-related allergies will develop such symptoms toward more than a single food. In rare cases, however, the allergies can become more serious and cause the child to suffer from allergies for many different foods. 

This was the case with a one-year-old boy named Henry, who experienced allergies for corn, peas, dairy, rice, and even broccoli. He was later diagnosed with a very rare condition, known as FPIES, or Food Protein-Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome. After conventional treatments failed the mother, she decided to opt for Bioresonance therapy as an alternative therapy to provide Henry with the help he needed. 

What Is Food Protein-Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome?

FPIES is one of the rarer types of food allergies and is mostly found amongst infants and very young children. The condition primarily affects the child’s gastrointestinal tract and most often leads to a number of symptoms related to the digestive system, such as diarrhea and vomiting. These symptoms tend to become recurring once the child has ingested anything that they are allergic for. The symptoms may even become chronic and can sometimes be severe.

There are other symptoms that may also be noted in the child that is suffering from this rare allergic condition. These may include weight loss, dehydration, and lethargy. The child’s blood pressure levels may be altered by the effects of the condition, and frequent fluctuations in their body temperature may also be noted. 

Risk Factors For Food Protein-Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome

Some risk factors have been identified and associated with a possible higher incidence or risk of developing FPIES. Parents who suspect their child might have the condition should consider the risk factors. 

The condition is more likely to occur in boys compared to girls, according to scientific research. Additionally, in up to 80% of cases where a child is diagnosed with FPIES, they have a family history of hay fever, eczema, and food allergies, among other types of allergic conditions. 

Complications Of Food Protein-Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome

Weight loss and stunted growth are two important complications that should be noted in terms of FPIES. The child may also suffer dehydration and may not obtain the appropriate nutrients that their body requires in order to survive at an BICOM optima®l level. 

In addition to these complications, it should be noted that children are also at risk of failure to thrive when they are diagnosed with FPIES. What this means is that there will likely be a range of delays in several of the child’s life milestones. 

The child may have a delay in their growth – this includes their head circumference, their weight, and their height. The child may also have a delay in their ability to develop physical skills, such as the ability to walk, to roll over, to sit up, and to walk. 

Later in the child’s life, they may also struggle to adopt social and mental skills, and delays in both of these areas may be present. 

Conventional Treatments For Food Protein-Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome

There are no specific treatments that have been developed for FPIES, but the symptoms that occur when a child comes into contact with a food that they are allergic to can be treated. The severity of the symptoms can also be reduced. 

Steroid injections are provided to help reduce the response by the immune system in case the child gets in contact with a trigger, while IV fluids are used when severe symptoms occur, in order to prevent shock and to rehydrate the child’s body. 

Bioresonance Therapy As An Alternative Treatment Option

Bioresonance therapy, which is performed through the use of a BICOM device, can assist in determining if specific areas of the affected child’s body have electromagnetic waves that are out-of-sync. When “bad” electromagnetic waves are detected by the device, these waves can be reprogrammed and emitted back into the child’s body to correct the waves. In turn, this will help the body start to heal itself and may sometimes assist in correcting issues that are contributing to conditions, including allergic conditions such as FPIES. 


While standard allergies are rather common, FPIES is a very rare condition that can lead to fatal complications if not treated quickly. In many cases, a child with the condition may start to experience allergic reactions within seconds of consuming food that they are allergic to. While conventional treatment options are available, parents are also becoming aware of alternative therapeutic solutions, such as Bioresonance therapy, which can assist in helping parents understand why their children could be suffering from the condition and what approach should be taken to rectify the issue at hand.