Harmonics of Nutrition

abstract colorful shape on playing piano keyboard watercolor illustration painting background.

Harmonics of Nutrition aims to convey the chemistry of healthy and unhealthy substances that we come into contact with through food in a way that can be experienced physically. All physical matter is made from a combination of elements in the periodic table. This is similar to how an oscilloscope – an electrical instrument that displays voltage on a graph – translates audible frequencies into a visual chart. Atomic elements can be compared to three dimensional oscilloscopes, which can be translated to be heard in the audible range. This enables us to actually hear the difference between healthy and unhealthy substances. 

In order to do this, hydrogen, which has an atomic mass of 1 (the lowest of the elements in the periodic table), can be placed at the frequency of 3520 Hz, which would be note A7 at the top end of an 88-key keyboard. The other elements can then be mapped relative to hydrogen. For example, carbon 12, which has an atomic mass of 12, would be put at frequency 293 Hz, since 3520 divided by 12 is 293. This would put carbon at note D4, a few notes above the middle of the keyboard. Lighter substances vibrate more rapidly, therefore, the elements with the least mass have the highest frequencies and those with the greatest mass have the lowest frequencies. Nitrogen 14 has an atomic mass of 14 so would be placed at B3, right in the middle of the keyboard (3520 divided by 14 is 251). The same process can be used to translate the other elements in the periodic table using mathematics.  

More complex molecules can also be conveyed in the same way. Carbon chains, consisting of carbon and hydrogen, form the foundation of organic chemistry. Therefore, when note A7 for hydrogen is played to a beat of four, the number of carbons that it would bond with, this makes the sound for a carbon chain. Other essential molecules such as O2, CO2 and H2O can be translated into harmonious sounds. When the sounds of these molecules are all played together in harmony, it makes it possible to listen to the rhythm of life. 

Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is made of oxygen and hydrogen in a different arrangement, creating a slightly different sound. Magnesium 24, which is needed for both metabolism in plants and healthy heart function in humans, produces a relaxing and harmonious sound. Lithium 6 is needed for good mental and emotional health. Some people like to bathe in natural hot springs. In the process, they absorb calcium and magnesium from the water and they leave feeling relaxed and uplifted. When a person takes a calcium and magnesium supplement, it is as if they are feeding their body these relaxing, harmonious tones. A healthy body is harmonious, whereas, disease is disharmonious.  

Glyphosate is one of the world’s most commonly used herbicides and, as a result, it can be found throughout the food supply. However, this herbicide can have negative effects on the body and has even been linked to cancer. When glyphosate is played alongside the combination of harmonics, it doesn’t sound in tune with the other elements. This is due to its phosphorus content, which is out of tune with the major elements such as oxygen, carbon and magnesium. Other types of herbicides, such as DDT, produce a similar disharmonious noise that is unpleasant to listen to. 

Effectively, through this process, it becomes possible to hear what good and bad health sound like. Lead, mercury and cadmium are all heavy, toxic metals with various isotopes. When conveyed on a keyboard, these elements produce low, sickening tones that overpower the other sounds.  

A group of elements known as halogens are all in one column of the periodic table and each have 7 electrons in their outer shell, meaning that they are one electron short of having a full set of 8 electrons. Just as beats of 8 are common in music, the elements want to have full sets of 8 electrons so that they can be in harmony. As a result, these elements behave very aggressively in order to try and steal an extra electron from another element, such as hydrogen. This gives them a negative charge. The halogens are fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine and astatine. Fluorine is used as an insecticide and in psychiatric medication such as Prozac because of its naturally aggressive properties which cause it to rip apart other molecules. Fluoridated water also has the capability of supressing iodine absorption, therefore, preventing this beneficial element from being used by the body and compromising the health of various tissues. Chlorine has the ability to affect the chemistry of the brain, which is why it is used in antidepressants.  

All of the halogens are toxic except iodine, which is vital for human health and even has anti-cancer properties. This is because it is harmonically in tune with oxygen 16; oxygen is played at note A3 and Iodine is played at note A0, which is the same note but 3 octaves lower. Each octave higher indicates that the frequency of the element has been doubled. This means that iodine, which is at the lowest octave on the keyboard, is the base harmonic for oxygen. Hydrogen, in turn, is a harmonic of oxygen, meaning that iodine, oxygen and hydrogen are all harmonically in tune with each other. So, although iodine is a heavy metal and sounds a bit sinister when played by itself, it is beneficial to the body because it is in tune with the other elements of life. The same is true of copper, though, both of these elements need to be consumed in moderation so as to avoid toxicity. Balance is key. 

Elements and molecules that are beneficial to the body are harmonious and this can be heard by the sounds that are made when these substances are translated onto a keyboard. Unhealthy substances and toxic elements, however, cause disharmony in the body and produce an unpleasant noise on a keyboard. In this way, it is possible to physically hear the contrast between healthy and unhealthy substances. In order to help the body to heal, it is important to give the body the right elements and frequencies so that harmony can be restored.