Author Archives: Dr.Ahmed Zayed

Alpha-Stim Therapy In The Treatment Of Pain Symptoms

Pain is something that everyone experiences at some point. Some, however, experience pain at a more severe level and more frequently than others. Pain is considered the number one cause of disability throughout the world. This symptom can be caused by a great number of underlying factors and is often accompanied by inflammation, causing discomfort […]

Bioresonance And Viruses

In this day and age, there are a lot of things that can make you sick– a genetic predisposition to disease, bacteria and fungi, exposure to harmful elements, and perhaps the leading cause of communicable diseases in the world: viruses.  Viruses can cause a multitude of infections and diseases; from simple illnesses like the common […]

Bioresonance In The Treatment Of Edema Caused By Lipedema And Lymphedema

Edema, a condition that refers to swelling caused by a collection of fluid, can be worrisome to patients. There are different health conditions that can cause edema as a symptom. Even though often associated with heart disease, conditions such as lymphedema and lipedema are also known to cause swelling in the extremities, including the lower […]

The Role Of Bioresonance On The Health Complications Of Smoking

Smoking is the major cause of lung cancer, as well as other cancers, throughout the world. Even though most commonly associated with cancer, this harmful habit can also cause a person to suffer many other health complications that can also put their lives in danger. Approximately 19% of adults in the United Kingdom are current […]

Can Bioresonance Help With Weight Loss

Obesity and weight gain have become significant issues in the modern world, contributing to millions of people being diagnosed with preventable diseases. In the last four decades, the worldwide prevalence of obesity has increased by almost 300%. The latest statistics on obesity released by the World Health Organization revealed that more than 650 million people […]

Bioresonance and Macular Degeneration

Macular degeneration diagram

Bioresonance therapy, also called bio-energetic therapy,  is a method of diagnosis and treatment that is currently being developed by scientists and health professionals for a painless and non-invasive form of testing. Aside from being a method of detection and diagnosis, BRT can also be used as a form of treatment for many kinds of diseases. […]

Correcting Spinal Deformities Using Bioresonance

The spine is an integral part of our skeletal system. Our spinal cord consists of 33 individual segments that form a column, serving to support our upper half. It is the main support of the skeleton and allows us to move, bend, and stay upright. But with spinal deformities, how can a person perform the […]

Improvements in Behavior By Using Bicom bioresonance For Autistic Children

Autism spectrum disorder is an umbrella term for conditions that affect a person’s social, behavioral, speech, and communication skills, among others. The autism spectrum encompasses a lot of different symptoms and each person affected by it may have their own unique traits. Bioresonance therapy or BRT is an ambitious new type of therapy that involves […]

The Role of Bioresonance in the Treatment of Mercury Poisoning

The human body contains energy which can be measured in wavelengths. This explains why our bodies are capable of conducting electricity. This is the reason why our five senses, namely the sense of hearing, smell, sight, taste, and touch function. The body uses its electrical properties to send signals to all five senses in order […]