Differences Between Bioresonance Therapy And Other Holistic Therapeutic Solutions

The side-effects and other complications faced with conventional medicine are causing many people to turn toward holistic methods to assist in the management of the conditions that they have been diagnosed with. One of the crucial benefits that many holistic treatment and therapies have over conventional medicine is the fact that they often try to address the root causes of disease, instead of providing a “plaster” or cover up for symptoms caused by a disease. 

Patients interested in opting for alternative forms of healing are often not sure which options they should give a try. Numerous holistic therapies have been developed, some of which dates back to ancient times. Even though research data is sometimes limited in terms of how well such a treatment can assist in managing and treating certain conditions, there are many people who have benefited from the use of holistic therapies. 

Bioresonance therapy has become a very convenient and cost-effective option for the population, helping the body heal itself without the use of drugs, herbs, or any other compounds. In this post, we will look at how the use of BICOM devices in Bioresonance therapy procedures defer from other popular holistic therapeutic services. 

How Bioresonance Works

Bioresonance therapy uses a special machine known as a BICOM device for reading the electromagnetic signals that are emitted by particles in a patient’s body. The machine does not only work on the patient’s body itself but can also be attached to other types of objects and compounds in order to read a specific wave. Each particle tends to emit its own wavelength, along with its unique frequency. 

The machine can then determine which waves are good and which waves are bad. The good or healthy waves are amplified before being returned into the body, while the bad or unhealthy waves are rather inversed through a special mirroring circuit. The mirrored waves are then returned to the body. The result is an amplification of healthy particle waves in the body, along with a weakening of signals emitted by unhealthy particles in the body. 

The idea behind the use of Bioresonance therapy technology is to help the body become more capable of healing itself from the inside. The therapy is sometimes used alone, but often also combined with other types of treatment options – including both holistic and conventional – to elevate the effectiveness of a patient’s treatment program. 

Popular Alternative Forms Of Holistic Healing

Bioresonance is still a relatively new form of holistic treatment that was only invented after a few scientists noted that each living particle gives off a unique vibration or wave a few decades ago. In addition to this therapeutic solution, many other alternatives and holistic treatment procedures are available in the modern world. Some might be relatively new thanks to advancements in scientific research, while others date back thousands of years. Below, we will look at a few of these to determine how they defer from the mechanisms behind Bioresonance therapy. 

Acupuncture is probably one of the most popular alternative remedies out there. This therapy dated back to around 100 B.C. and was initially used as a way of diagnosing certain conditions, as well as providing treatment for conditions like pain and certain diseases. Acupuncture is still popular today, but it is important that trained professional conduct the procedure to avoid potential complications. The idea behind acupuncture is that diseases and other ailments that affect the human body are all caused by a disruption in the qi of the body, which is a way of describing the energy flow throughout the human body. The needles used during an acupuncture session is said to stimulate specific nerve points found beneath the skin, which then causes qi or energy to be released. 

Thus, while Bioresonance therapy focuses on electromagnetic waves emitted by the human body, acupuncture tend to focus on the energy that flows through the body. 

In addition to acupuncture, other types of holistic therapy options are also available for patients who experience chronic pain, anxiety, depression, and even certain diseases. This ranges from the use of therapies like art therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and hypnotherapy, toward options such as aromatherapy, for example. 

Each of these options has a unique way of interacting with the body. In some cases, a medical device, needles, or other accessories are used to provide the patient with a relief of their symptoms. In other cases, however, the patient is asked to open up about their feelings and emotions to bring about positive changes. 


Holistic methods of healing can often provide patients with an effective way to target root issues that are leading to disease and other ailments. Many patients are turning to these therapies as an alternative to conventional medicine, hoping to find relief of their particular diseases and symptoms without having to expose their bodies to potentially harmful drugs. Bioresonance is one particular form of holistic therapy that is becoming more popular – understanding the mechanisms of action in this therapy compared to other types of holistic healing methods is important for patients.