Mononucleosis and its consequences

After two years of suffering, finally a return to good quality of life

On 15.5.2002 a 19-year-old female patient came to my practice for the first time. She told me that she was suffering from acute mononucleosis. This was only detected at a late stage and therefore brought a number of considerable health implications, which to date included:

increased susceptibility to infection, with acute symptoms such as sinusitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, swelling of the lymph glands and increased tinnitus.

This also caused infection in the bronchial region with intermittent and severe bouts of coughing and asthmatoids. These were induced by changing viral infections, but also infections caused by mycoplasma and Chlamydia pneumoniae.

It was accompanied by recurring bladder inflammations as well as various fibromyalgia-related symptoms and an interrupted sleeping-waking rhythm, diagnosed as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

In 2002 she suffered a severe allergic reaction with hayfever and bronchial asthma. The patient couldn’t continue her studies because her physical symptoms combined did not allow her to lead a normal life anymore and she was virtually bedridden.

Extensive testing with the BICOM® device revealed a clear stress through the Epstein Barr virus. I also tested Chlamydia and mycoplasma.

The antibiotics that the patient had received when her acute disorder first manifested itself and the psychotropic drugs which she had been prescribed in various doses, were causing a stress. She also had an excessive reaction to a flu vaccination, which was applied during her illness as well as a focal stress caused by a retrotonsillar process.

A long-term immunological stress explained these symptoms.

The therapy procedure was as follows: based on the current symptoms displayed, programs stored in the BICOM® were applied e.g.: programs to activate the lymph nodes, to regulate the mucous membranes in the paranasal sinuses and bronchial tubes, to increase resistance, anti-viral therapy and programs to dissolve energetic blocks, to activate the metabolism and increase vitality. We worked exclusively with the BICOM® device in the practice. Complementary medication took the form of preparations for symbiosis control to stabilise the intestinal flora, orthomolecular substances and vitamins.

Happily, her chronic throat and paranasal sinus symptoms quickly improved, as did her general physical condition.

After the general state of the patient’s health had improved, a targeted elimination of the antibiotics and psychotropic drugs was carried out using the BICOM® device. This was followed by treatment for the Epstein Barr virus and the other pathogens (coxsackie virus, Chlamydia, mycoplasma infection).

The treatment took several months in total, because of the severity of the clinical picture and the multifaceted nature of the stresses.

The patient has a completely different quality of life as a result of the bioresonance therapy. She was able to repeat her exams and achieved top marks and today is still studying.