Practitioner’s Guide To Offering Bioresonance Therapy Services

Training seminar for bicom therapists

Since Bioresonance therapy is gaining the support of many experts in the medical industry and this form of alternative healing is also being supported by many scientific studies, a large number of practitioners are now looking to start offering Bioresonance therapy to their patients. It is not only practitioners that specialize in acupuncture and similar alternative therapies that are becoming interested in providing their patient with this therapy, but also a lot of general practitioners who have been focusing on conventional treatments. 

For those interested in offering Bioresonance, there is a couple of steps that need to be taken. In this post, we are going to take a look at a step-by-step process that practitioners should follow if they wish to become qualified as a Bioresonance therapy service provider and start to offer their patients access to this breakthrough medical system. 

Becoming Certified

The very first step that any professional or practitioner will need to do if they wish to start offering Bioresonance therapy is to become officially certified. This can take a little while, so patience is something that the professional should be equipped with – but if they have undergone their initial training to become a practitioner, they should not have any issue undergoing the training needed to become certified in Bioresonance therapy. 

There are many options that the professional can choose from when it comes to training and equipping themselves with the skills to effectively use a BICOM device as a diagnostic tool, as well as to initiate the therapy in any patient, regardless of the complaints that the patient is having. 

A good way to get started would be first to visit the official Bioresonance website and to take things from there. On the website, there are many useful resources. It can be very helpful for the professional to read through all of the information that is offered on the Bioresonance website in order to get themselves more acknowledged with what this therapy holds and what it is all about. 

Once an understanding of the technology has been obtained, the next step of the process would be to opt for an appropriate institution that offers training in Bioresonance therapy. There are a few options that professionals can choose from. If the professional resides within the United Kingdom, they can visit the Training For Practitioners section on the official Bioresonance website. Here, they will be able to gain information about courses and programs that are offered in their local areas. 

For those individuals who are not from the United Kingdom, it might be a little more challenging to find a college or other type of institute that does offer this type of program. It could still be useful to get in touch with the official Bioresonance website in order to request more details in terms of programs offered to those individuals who are from a different country than the United Kingdom. 

Before enrolling in any type of program, the practitioner should ensure they do thorough research on the institute and check with Bioresonance if the institute is licensed to offer courses that would certify the individual in Bioresonance therapy. 

Buying The Appropriate Equipment

Once an appropriate course has been completed – which should include both theory and practical parts – the certified Bioresonance therapist should proceed to purchase the appropriate equipment that is needed to initiate this type of therapy on their patients. 

Over the years, many different types of BICOM devices have been developed. It is important that the practitioner consider the specific types of therapeutic services that they would like to offer their patients. Some of these devices are only able to provide selected programs and treat a specific range of conditions, while others can be programmed to perform any type of function; thus offering more flexibility in terms of what can be treated. 

Apart from the BICOM device itself, there are also several attachments that may be required as well. Again, the conditions that will be treated by the practitioner using Bioresonance therapy should be taken into account here. Some types of the programs that can be loaded onto a BICOM device require special instruments and accessories to be attached to the BICOM device – these are all tools that the practitioner will need to buy if they do decide to provide treatment for such conditions. 


Becoming a Bioresonance therapy practitioner can not only bring in more business but also allows a general practitioner, as well as those focusing on holistic therapeutic systems, to offer patients access to an effective treatment protocol that is non-invasive. The first step to offering the service is to undergo appropriate training. The practitioner will then need to equip their office with the appropriate equipment to start implementing the service and offering it to their patients.