Author Archives: David Franklin

Herniated Discs

Herniated Disc diagram

Neurology: In 124 cases of herniated discs: bioresonance instead of operating At the 2007 International BICOM® Congress in Fulda Dr. Kiran from Istanbul reported on the use of the bioresonance method for treating herniated discs. Below is an extract from her paper. For more than a year I have been using the bioresonance method in […]

From PAP IVa to PAP II Decision to choose alternative medicine

acute dysplasia of the portio mucous membrane

Gynaecology: Alternative treatment In January 2002 I went for a check-up with my gynaecologist. The usual smear tests were carried out and this revealed a PAP III value. The lab report made the following remarks: metaplasia, signs of a viral infection and moderate epithelial dysplasia bordering on acute dysplasia, but with no carcinoma in situ. […]

Treating Frozen Shoulder with the Use of Bioresonance

Introduction The shoulder joint, also known as the most mobile joint in the human body, creates the movements of flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, internal and external rotation as well as 360® circumductions. In addition, thanks to the shoulder joint movements such as scapular elevation, depression, protraction, and retraction are possible as well. Because of these […]

Can You Treat Your Heartburn with the Use of Bioresonance?

Introduction The esophagus is a muscular tube that connects your throat to your stomach. Thanks to the esophagus, the food that is primarily digested in the mouth, travels through the esophagus and reaches the stomach where the final stages of digestion take place and we get the energy and the nutrients that we require from […]

Can Bioresonance Be A Useful Tool In The Treatment Of Infertility

  Fertility is one of the most complex topics to be discussed when it comes to human health. Even though scientists have already made a number of great breakthroughs in the understanding of how exactly fertility works, there still seems to be a lack of specifics regarding why some people are finding it more difficult […]

Happy patient: from PAP IIId to PAP II

condyloma virus

Gynaecology: During Ms. B.’s cancer check-up with her gynaecologist changes were discovered in her portio vaginalis. A tissue sample was taken and a PAP test confirmed that the changes were in the marginal IIId stage. This marks the transition to carcinoma. Trigger factors could be numerous condylomas (vaginal warts), which were considered a pre-cancerous viral […]