Stomach issues improved with the aid of Bioresonance?

At the end of March 2020, just at the start of lockdown here in the UK, we received a call at our clinic from a gentleman whose father had advanced prostate cancer, he wanted to know if we could help. His father was suffering from severe sickness, vomiting multiple times a day and not being […]

BICOM® BodyCheck Case Study – Drug Abuse

One client had been reviewing several different Non-Linear Analysis Scanner (NLS) devices. NLS scanners are biofeedback, or bioresonance, devices that use electromagnetic signals to scan a patient. These wavelengths are emitted by the machine and the patient’s response to the signals is measured, often through applicators on the skin. The results of these scans are displayed on […]

“Bioresonance has given me my life back!”

My name is Sarah and I’m writing this to tell my experience with Bioresonance therapy and how it has changed my life. It all started in early 2007, prior to this time I was living a fairly active, healthy life. I worked part time and had two children, both under the age of 10. I […]

Migraine Relief within two weeks!

Migraine from lyme disease

“I didn’t really know what to expect when I first came for Bioresonance therapy, but kept an open mind. I suffer from lyme disease and co-infections, which had caused an array of symptoms such as chronic fatigue, migraines and much more. I had already begun lots of research myself, and initially began with conventional antibiotic […]

“Surprisingly Accurate Scan & Effective Treatment!”

NLS Bicom BodyCheck scanner

“Surprisingly accurate scan and effective treatment. I came across Bioresonance about 15 years ago when sorting out my food intolerances and I have also seen a huge improvement in my wife’s health (both with different practitioners). So I had some previous experience but had not had a scan before going for my initial consultation at […]

BICOM® BodyCheck Case Study – Assessing Lung Function

Energetic state of the lungs

A male patient is struggling with shortness of breath. A BICOM® BodyCheck scan is conducted to show the average energetic state throughout the entire body. Of particular importance is the Lung area, as this is where the man seems to be experiencing problems. However, the lung area appears generally normal in the scan, apart from some […]